I think I've finally come down from the high that was Bluenose Weekend 2010. As I'm sure most of you know, I ran my maiden 10K race this past Sunday. I wore bib #3943, and crossed the finish line with a chip time of 1:06:03, a few minutes under my goal of 1:10:00. That puts me at 305 out of the 469 females between the ages of 30 and 39, and 926 out of the 1460 females who ran the race. I'm pleased.
It was a great weekend too. I got to meet a lot of fantastic ladies - Niffer (my newest partner in crime who also took on the 10K), Jaime, Angie, Lynn, Tash, Jen, Cat, Les, and Lex. I also got to spend some time with my favourite Mouse, who was brave enough to tackle the half-marathon and Serpentine Hill.

Now I'm wondering what to do next. Foolishly, I've reached out for my next training program, a half-marathon. Am I insane? We'll see in the fall.
You've totally been into the kool-aid, kiddo.
Get the half in so you can join me on the full in the spring :)
Insane in the membrane...insane in the BRAIN!
Great job, I really love the pic!
Don't ya just love Marie's non-chalant "get the half in so you can join me on the full in the spring"? lol
This is why she has accomplished all that she has, eh?
I concur and think the half is your next notch on the running pole (is there such thing as a running pole? :-P)
You did absolutely fantastic and I would have been ESCATIC for getting under 1:10! Great job girl, ESPECIALLY with MacDonald Bridge and Nantucket in your way!!
It was soooo wonderful to meet you Tara and you can be SURE I'll be reading your blog(s) and learning how to acquire a green thumb from you! Freddie's not that far away either, so I hope next year's Bluenose is in the plans again :-)
Congrats on your awesome run, I know how tough those the bridge & Nantucket is. You totally rocked it!
It was wonderful to meet you Tara, and I look forward to following your blog! If you ever visit Hali again, let us know so that we can get together.
Whoohoo, Half Marathon here you come!
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