Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Facebook Friend Policy

Guidelines for removing or keeping facebook friends (some of which belong to myself, some to others):

If you walk right past me in the mall, and don't say hi - we are no longer facebook friends.

If I am too lazy to type 'Happy Birthday' on your wall on your birthday - we are no longer facebook friends. If you get deleted from my facebook friend list on your birthday, this is the category you've fallen into. If your birthday has passed and we're still facebook friends, I'm sorry I didn't get to write 'Happy Birthday' on your wall. I'm actually sincerely sorry - I try my best to keep up with these things.

If I avoid an aisle in the grocery store because you're in it and I don't want to interact with you, we are no longer facebook friends.

Any others?


H-woman said...

If you've asked to be my friend but then don't make any sort of effort to reconnect, you have one month before you are deleted from my friends list.

H =)

Anonymous said...

I went through and weeded out tons of people on my Facebook account not too long ago. Do you really need to have people you went to summer camp with 13 years ago or all those friends of friends? Nope. My list is getting smaller by the minute, that's fine - less farmville, fronterville crap. (No offense) ;)

Sarah ♥ said...

My birthday's next Sunday .... I will be checking for you :)