Strangely, I've had a rather action packed life lately. I think I caused it myself though, as I think I do on occasion when I feel like things are getting stale. When you're bored, why not buy and sell a couple of houses? Or maybe you'd rather build a house? Take a new course?
What ever happened to re-arranging furniture when you get a little bored with your everyday life? ;-)
One of the many things that's happened lately is the change in my job, or at least my work environment. Recently, my office has moved from a very old office building to a newer office building. From a big cubicle with my own air conditioner and a window that opens, to a 7x7 cubicle with a nice view of a gorgeous church over my shoulder but no window of my own.
With the new environment comes new duties. I don't think I'll be doing as much Oracle work anymore, which I'm alright with. I'll now be working with web and communications tools, taking me back to my roots and allowing me to use my multimedia degree. I'm very excited about the new beginning, and a little bit sad about what is ending.
In the interest of blogging being about sharing some of our lives, I took some pictures of my new cubicle. Now you'll all be able to picture me there, typing, sighing, and giggling at all of you.
This first one is a picture of the full cube, as you would walk in:
This is what I look at all day:
Vive le beave! My stuffed beaver, Bud Gnawwood:
This needs no words:

Your office needs a picture of me :P
There is a picture of you actually - I shall show you tomorrow.
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