Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Lifetime First Anniversary

Turns out that the anniversary of my having reached lifetime status with Weight Watchers was last week, on August 16th. I guess it must have slipped my mind with the move going on and all. I'm actually about 8 lbs. lighter now than I was then.

The past year has held a lot of ups and downs for me, both personally and with my weight loss journey. This time last year I wasn't even an active member of the Weight Watchers online community. I lost all of my weight without making use of those crazy message boards or the online tracker. Imagine! Now somedays I don't know what I'd do without them!

Maintaining my weight loss has definitely been harder than losing the weight initially. I had NO IDEA this would be so hard to keep off! It makes things a lot harder when you aren't rewarded for your efforts every week with a loss. Now when I have a hard week staying OP, I'm no longer "rewarded" with anything visible. I have to tell myself to be happy with staying the same, which is now the goal. Not nearly as much fun as seeing a loss on that scale!

1 comment:

Jen said...


I absolutely love that there are lifetimers with helps me to visualize what will happen when I have reached goal!!!

Congrats again, I hope you always remain proud of yourself and that it keeps you going!