Today I took a vacation day to stay home with Stephen and get our garden plot ready for planting this weekend. I secretly stayed home to be able to do enough yard work and gardening to earn an ice cream in a chocolate dipped waffle cone from Stephen's workplace. See, Steve's a gardener by profession. I'm just a good actress.
We will have a garden that is at least four times the size of last year's garden. We borrowed my dad's tiller and made us a nice plot. I CANNOT WAIT to plant it and watch it grow. I will be posting many many pictures.
Also stopped at a local greenhouse that was recommended by the wonderful woman who runs our doggie daycare. I will actually post a special post devoted to her tomorrow. I love her! Anyway, so the greenhouse was great, owned by a man who couldn't have been less than 117 years old. So cute. Once we told him Laura told us to stop by, we quickly became best friends. And he told us that everything they have is grown organically!!! YES! We will definitely be back! Today's purchase was a million pansies for my window boxes, for a total of $21.
The next couple of days will be mayhem. Steve's mother and her boyfriend (of a million years) are coming to stay for the weekend. They tell us it's to go fishing, but I find it hard to believe that anyone in their right mind would travel over 2 hours to go fishing when they live on the coast of the province. The last time they came down to go fishing, we caught one fish, one. And I was traumatized. I just don't think fishing's my thing. I'm not one to get up at 4.30am to sit on a riverbank and fight flies. Call me crazy. I do love the outdoors and fishing, provided someone will bait the hook and deal with touching any fish that might be dumb enough to land on my rod. That's about it though. So I'll probably take a novel.
This is what happened the last time:

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